So, yeah, 6 days in and I’m already running out of things to say…
Actually, I have plenty to say but not enough time to get it all out….house posts, recipes, and project posts are coming soon, I promise!
But today I’m cheating and taking the NaBloPoMo prompt:
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
There are plenty of little things I’d love to tweak about myself…and even a couple of vanity issues that I’d love to change; however, the one thing I’d love to change about myself is my eyesight. I have worn glasses since the 2nd grade and every year it seems like my eyes are gradually getting worse and worse. As a musician…this is troubling, to say the least. I have horrible astigmatism and until my prescription stays steady for a couple of years I can’t even explore the option of lasik surgery. I’d love to wake up, open my eyes, and actually be able to see. I’m so jealous of people who don’t have to worry about scratched lens or smeared glasses…
Ugh, and don’t even get me started on the cost of my glasses and prescription sunglasses. I could feed a family for a month or so on what it costs to purchase my lens (not frames…just lenses…)
I’m probably extra sensitive about this issue because I just had my yearly wallet drain at the optometrist but still, it’d be so nice to just wake up and see things…

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