Hi friends! I’m in crazy Creativation prep mode right now but I wanted to pop in to announce the winners for a few recent giveaways:
- Altenew January Release Giveaway – Linnea Sundstrom
- Seasons Giving Blog Hop Giveaway – Cindy Beach
- My Favorite Cards of 2017 Giveaway -Dianne Lorento
Congrats to the winners! Please send me an email via the contact form above and I’ll get those prizes out to you ASAP! 🙂
Also, I’m hoping to post some live videos (and maybe a giveaway or two) while I’m at Creativation over on my instagram account so if you’d like some sneak peeks make sure you’re following me there! 😉

Congratulations to this lucky trio of winners!
Congratulations to the winners !
thank you! sent my message