A break from house posts…
Four years ago I started working with Debbie at the Performing Arts Camp through Shenandoah University. She began harp studies with another teacher but switched to my studio at the start of her freshman year in high school. This past evening she gave her senior harp recital and she’ll leave for college this week! Debbie will be studying harp with my first harp teacher, Hye-Yun Bennett, at Old Dominion University! I’m super excited to see what she will accomplish in the next four years! Just for fun, I found a few photos of Debbie from our various harp trips, recitals, and more over the years!
And in true Debbie fashion, her senior recital featured pieces that fit her perfectly! Medleys from The Legend of Zelda, Phantom of the Opera, and Disney…a song from Anastasia…music from Spirited Away…one from Harry Potter…and of course, some classical pieces, too: Romance Without Words and Great Day!
Congratulations Debbie!!! I wish you the best of luck!!

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