Maybe someday I’ll post this before half of the next week is over…yeah, it’s been a little crazy around here. Anyway, here goes:
Sunday – Lasagna
We were on our way home from visiting Heather and Richard and stopped at my in-laws to pick up our pets and have a quick dinner. My mother-in-law made a fantastic lasagna, salad, and garlic bread for dinner. She also sent us home with enough leftovers for several days’ worth of lunches which were greatly appreciated!
Monday – Baked eggs and popovers
I found this recipe on Cooking Light last year and it’s quickly become a breakfast for dinner staple. I’m still working on perfecting the baking time so that the egg yolks stay soft every time but it’s tasty either way. I like to add garlic powder, paprika, and parmesan cheese to the eggs before baking for a little extra flavor.
Tuesday – Bisquick coated chicken dipped in garlic sour cream with roasted tomatoes, cauliflower, and polenta
This was a mish-mash of a couple favorite recipes. I followed the back-of-the-box bisquick recipe for baked “fried” chicken but dipped it in a garlicky sour cream before rolling it in bisquick. I watered down the sour cream with a little milk. Then I roasted a baking sheet full of cherry tomatoes and cauliflower florets at 400 degrees F for about 30 minutes and served them with a scoop of parmesan polenta.
Wednesday – Stuffed Cabbage Soup with English Muffin Toasting Bread
So the link actually takes you to a recipe for stuffed pepper soup cooked in a slow-cooker. I used that basic recipe but modified the spices, switched the peppers for a head of cabbage, and left out the onion, celery, and carrots. I also added a little brown sugar and lemon juice for that sweet and sour taste. I had several recipes for cabbage soup but I knew I needed to change the liquid amounts for the slow-cooker. This worked fairly well but it’s reminded me that we really need to just fork over the money and buy a new slow-cooker. Ours gets really odd hot spots. I’ve got my eye on this Cuisinart model…hoping it’ll go on sale for Black Friday! I served this with my favorite fail-safe bread recipe and it was a perfect cold-weather dinner!
Thursday – Chicken Soup
Thursday was a little weird…I had a great day teaching but felt awful on my way home. I was afraid that I was getting sick so we changed dinner plans and I defrosted some chicken broth. I added carrots, egg noodles, and some pulled rotisserie chicken for a nice, hearty soup. I devoured soup and massive quantities of orange juice in an attempt to fend off a cold.
Friday – Chipotle
Lazy day of not feeling great led to no dinner plans…oops…
Saturday – Papa John’s
Yeah, not good…two nights of fast food…*sigh*…on the plus side, no cold!
Anyway, this upcoming week is fairly crazy so there may not be a dinner recap but I’ll definitely have a baby shower post soon with all the fun recipes and appetizers we put together for the party!

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