Busy day on the blog today! For the 25 Days of Christmas Tags – Concord & 9th and giveaway please click here. For the Simon Says Stamp Special Holiday Release blog hop and giveaway please scroll down or click here! And I’ll be back in a few hours for the Winnie and Walter Tour of the Stars blog hop! 😉
Good morning!! Today is my third post as November’s Leading Lady for Winnie and Walter and I’m inspired by seasonal flowers! 🙂 I hope you’ll head over and check it out! And don’t forget to comment on their blog for a chance to win a $30 gift card to Winnie and Walter! Here’s a sneak peek of one of my cards for this week!

Your floral card is just beautiful. Heading to W & W to check it out.
Loved the cards at the w and w blog. My favourite was the third purplish one with the cas design. Absolutely Stunning!!
Your use of color absolutely blows me away! I love the monotone looks you have created, and I equally love the ones with a variety of colors too!
This card I so cheerful and colourful. I feel happy every time look at it.
Love the gorgeous colors on your sneak peek! Off to see the rest at W&W!
all of those flowers are stunning!
I like the beautiful colors on all of your cards and the sparkle on the first two.
Gorgeous floral watercoloring here and on W&W blog, love your style especially the icy blue poinsettias.
Wow! Absolutely breathless cards!!! <3 <3 <3
This float along is just gorgeous! Love love love it!
This floral card is just gorgeous. My typing is terrible, so spell check is pretty funny
Great card!
All your cards, for the 4 seasons, are wonderful! Love the colours you chose!
They’re all fabulous! Someone is going to flip out when one of these beauties lands in their mailbox… I would!!
Dashing back from W&W’s place, breathless with awe, to say: WOW! Your seasonal flower showcases are stellar, with each one conveying something ‘magical’ about the season represented. Your winter florals: captivated! Love the beautiful blues/silver pairing!
I love the vibrant colors of this card!